Japan Travel Osaka - Temple Trail @Shitennoji 四天王寺

Japan Travel Osaka - Temple Trail @Shitennoji 四天王寺 (2019 0516)

Deity      Kannon (Avalokiteśvara)

Is a oldest official Buddhist temple in Ōsaka, Japan. It was founded in 593 by the prince Shotoku Taishi; a major figure in Japanese history who played a leading role in introducing Buddhism to Japan. He named the temple after the shitenno: four heavenly kings of Buddhist tradition who guard the world from evil. Though this temple complex has a long history, most of the buildings have been destroyed by fire and rebuilt several times, and several of the current buildings actually date from the 1960s and 1970s.

Address: 1-11-18 Shitennoji, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0051, Japan

Opening hours for the Rokujireisando Prayer Hall: 8.30 – 18.00 (opens at 8.00 on the 21st)

Opening hours for other Buildings & Garden:

April – September: 8.30 – 16.30 (8.00 – 17.00 on the 21st)

October – March: 8.30 – 16.00 (8.00 – 16.30 on the 21st except October 21st when the opening times are 8.00 – 17.00

Admission Fee:

Central Building: Adults ¥300, high school and university students ¥200

Treasure Hall 四天王寺宝物館: Adults ¥500, high school and university students ¥300

Gokuraku-jodo Garden極楽浄土の庭: Adults ¥300, elementary school up to university students ¥200

Getting There:

Osaka Metro Tanimachi Line - Shitennōji-mae Yūhigaoka Station 四天王寺前夕陽ヶ丘駅 Stop ID: T26 Exit 4 and walk along the Tennōji-ku


Temple Trial:

Temple Entrance

Gokurakumon 西大門

Saijumon 西重門 - Central building: adults ¥300, high school and university students ¥200

Central Temple中心伽藍

Gojunoto 四天王寺五重塔

Golden Pavilion金堂 (Kondo)

Chumon (Shitennoji) 中門

Nandaimon 南大門

Turtle pond亀の池

Kitaindoganedo(Kitaganedo) 北引導鐘堂(北鐘堂)

Rokujireisando 六時礼讃堂

Treasure hall 四天王寺宝物館

Treasure hall -四天王寺宝物館: adults ¥500, high school and university students ¥300

Treasure House on the east side of the temple complex. This building exhibits various documents, Buddhist statues, paintings, and sacred artifacts, many of which are registered National Treasures.


Gokuraku-jodo Garden極楽浄土の庭

Gokuraku-jodo Garden極楽浄土の庭: adults ¥300, elementary school up to university students ¥200

The Gokurakujodo Garden was designed based on descriptions of the Western Paradise of the Amida Buddha and is a beautiful and spacious stroll garden with a pond, streams and many cherry trees.


Shittennoji Flea Market四天王寺フリーマーケット(骨董市)

A large flea market is held on the grounds of Shittenoji Temple on the 21st and 22nd of each month between the hours of 8.00 and 16.00.
