Cambodia Travel Phnom Penh - Princess Vine (Cissus verticillata) 錦屏粉藤 @Witty Café

Cambodia Travel Phnom Penh - Princess Vine (Cissus verticillata) 錦屏粉藤 @Witty Café (2022 1202)

Locate: Junction street 105 and street 350 Phnom Penh Cambodia

Family Name: Vitaceae

Synonyms: Cissus sicyoides L.

Common Name: Princess Vine, Possum Grape Vine, Curtain of Roots

Native: Tropical America

This vine from tropical Central and South America produces heart-shaped leaves and many clusters of attractive, small, black grapes, but its most attractive feature are its incredibly long aerial roots that, if left undisturbed, can reach more than 10 m in length and grow so densely that they literally form a curtain of roots, hanging from the tree it grows on. These roots also grow incredibly fast, up to one centimeter per hour!
