China Travel Hainan Qionghai - China Hainan Nanhai Museum 中国海南南海博物馆

China Travel Hainan Qionghai - China Hainan Nanhai Museum 中国海南南海博物馆 (2024 0712)

Located next to the thousand-year-old fishing port in Tanmen, Qionghai

Address: No. 1 Museum Road, Qionghai City 琼海市博物馆路1

Open 开放时间:0900 1700 Hours Closed Monday, Need to online pre-booking before going


There are 7 exhibitions in the museum, including "South China Sea Humanities and History Exhibition"南海人文历史陈列, "South China Sea Natural Ecology Exhibition"南海自然生态陈列, "Eight Hundred Years of Waiting - Xisha Huaguang Reef No. 1 Shipwreck Special Exhibition"八百年守候——西沙华光礁I号沉船特展, "Exploring the Sea and Tracing - China's Underwater Archaeology and Protection of South China Sea Underwater Cultural Heritage"探海寻踪——中国水下考古与南海水下文化遗产保护, "Doing the Sea - South China Sea Fisherman Culture Exhibition (Hainan)" 做海——南海渔家文化展(海南), "Same Origin, Different Flow - Qing Dynasty Export Artworks Collection Exhibition"源同流异—馆藏清代外销艺术品展, "South China Sea Whale Spirit - Whale Specimens Collection Exhibition"南海鲸灵——馆藏鲸类标本展
