China Travel Hainan Sanya - Nanshan Cultural Tourism Scenic Area 南山文化旅游5A景区

China Travel Hainan Sanya - Nanshan Cultural Tourism Scenic Area 南山文化旅游5A景区 (2024 0710)

Address: Hainan Province, Sanya City, Yazhou District, Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone 海南省-三亚市-崖州区-南山文化旅游区内

三十三观音堂(2024 0710)

The Thirty-three Guanyin Hall is a Buddhist cultural venue that displays Guanyin culture, Long Wuye God of Wealth culture, and folk culture. The main objects of worship in the temple include the 33 kinds of statues of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the three greatest Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, Long Wuye, the first god of wealth in the world, the first blessing dragon gate in the South China Sea, etc. You can copy the Heart Sutra and pray for blessings for free here.


The Longwuye Wealth Temple consists of three parts: the Wealth Hall; the Underground Palace Treasury; and the Wuye Ten Thousand Buddhas Pavilion. There are eight wealth pillars in the Wealth Hall, which teach people to establish a correct view of wealth. The eight major wealth wisdom methods include: the first is right view, which is to make money by giving alms; the second is right mindfulness, which is to make money according to the law; the third is right virtue, which is to make money by practicing good deeds; the fourth is right action, which is to make money by following the way; the fifth is right sincerity, which is to accumulate wealth by faith and righteousness; the sixth is right concentration, which is to guard wealth with concentration; the seventh is right wisdom, which is to use wealth in moderation; and the eighth is right enlightenment, which is to make money through merit



You can ask for fortune and interpret it here. You should come early because the master will be off work at about 4 o'clock.


It imitates the Tang Dynasty style and has the Renwang Hall (仁王殿), the Main Hall (大雄宝殿), the East and West Side Halls (东西配殿), the Bell and Drum Tower (钟鼓楼), the Chakravartin (转轮藏), the Dharma Hall (法堂), the Guanyin Courtyard (观音院), the Beitian Courtyard (悲田院), etc. They are built according to the terrain, in a staggered manner, solemn and dignified, quiet and elegant.
