China Travel Hainan Haikou (Heritage Walk文物古迹) - 海口钟楼

China Travel Hainan Haikou (Heritage Walk文物古迹) - 海口钟楼 (2025 0104)

Address 地址: 海口市龙华区长堤路20(人民桥附近)

 Getting There  到这去: 钟楼站(5路 ; 15路 ; 17路 ; 18路 ; 21路 ; 25路 ; 39路 ; 97路 ; G30路 ; G37路 ; G43 ; G43路特殊班次 ; J6路 ; 福袋巴士线路3 ; 海口湾观光线 ; 旅游观光3号线 ; 夜3路 ; 夜8路 ; 游3路)


The scenery is elegant and graceful, and it is listed as one of the eight scenic spots in Haikou. It has a long history and was first built to accommodate foreign trade. The top floor is 28 meters high and has a 6-story steel plate concrete structure. The appearance is magnificent. The big clock is set on the top floor, and the four sides use Shanghai 555 brand electronic clocks.

