China Travel Hainan Haikou - 海口十八碗(明阳店)

China Travel Hainan Haikou - 海口十八碗(明阳店) (2025 0105)

参考价: 34.0

Address 地址: 海秀东路29

Contact 联系:  (0898)66715235

营业时间: 周一至周日 11:00-14:00,17:00-21:00

Getting There  到这去: 市九中公交站 (1路 ; 13路 ; 15路 ; 19路 ; 29路 ; 95路 ; G16路 ; G36 ; K5路 ; 机场2路)


The food and environment is really nice, the service is very considerate, the food is served very quickly and the portions are large.

